Quotes that I Change Everytime I Make A New Blog

"I wanted to see Detroit win. I've been there. It's like God took a shit on a parking lot. They deserve some good news."


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Who Do I Think I Am?

         To be modest, I am a true hero, living in the depths of simple life and boredom, waiting for my breakthrough to happen. In lighter terms, I’m a high school student. However, my perspective on the world is a little bit peculiar as sometimes I’ll notice the oddest features during the hardest of times. By the way, recent rumor is that a new iPad is being made, from Apple (obviously). Consequently, garrulous Mubarak has been spreading turmoil over Egypt and the Middle East. As celebrity reporter Fareed Zakaria of CNN posted on Twitter, after Mubarak's  befuddling speech, "Mubarak seems to be trying to bait protesters into violence." @Zakaria either that or he's still waiting for other nations to help enforce his reign over what's left of a country (Egpyt).
        In that sense, altruistic oil company owners and share holders actually want to side with “Malicious Mubarak” – as I like to call him- and we all know the power of elitism will probably overthrow ethics and morality (like it always has). Anyways, who am I but a simple junior in high school, just trying to make something of myself in this small place- comparatively to other celestial bodies- we call Earth. On the brighter note though, there are currently more trees in the US than there were a century ago. Isn’t that marvelous?  

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