Quotes that I Change Everytime I Make A New Blog

"I wanted to see Detroit win. I've been there. It's like God took a shit on a parking lot. They deserve some good news."


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Inaccuracy and Elitism

   Is anyone besides me really annoyed that "The Only Exception" and "Forget You" did not get ANY awards? Actually, I think the better question is, as told to me by many other peers of mine, is there any straight human who watched the Grammys besides me. Apparently, if one watches the Grammys, that is a homosexual activity to do. How true that is. For people out there who have been carping on those stolid people who do not go outside and play World of Warcraft, I can not blame. After watching Zombieland, I realized this was one of the most accurate representations of the American future. The only thing I would tweak is change the zombies to corrupt government officials and politicians. During my AP Government class, we were asked a question:
      "Would you want the first 2000 people taken randomly out of a phone book to lead our nation or 2000 of the Harvard University faculty?"

   In my opinion, I would most likely choose the phone book option for one specific reason. With this option, there would be no chance of elitism. Not to be a raconteur, but I have to tell this anecdote-that relates to the subject of elitism- before I elaborate further on my defense of my opinion. 
   Today, I met my guidance counselor for some general college advice. Let me tell you right now that my regard on life and my general philosophy is realist. I am a realist. However, my college options were not. To make this clearer, I thought I had a chance at Cal. Tech and MIT (yes tier "0" colleges). Once I spoke about that, my guidance counselor opened my mind to the realization that there are way more intellectual and smarter students than me. Of course, the fact hit me like I was just shot from a cannon and there was no net under me, but the truth hurts. Anyways, she said that I had a very "elitist" theory about colleges. When she clarified her comment, she meant that I was very "everything is perfect and I will easily get into any college I want without any problems". However true that may have been, that does not take away from the fact that elitism is a very basic principle of looking at the world.
    Now, going back on my question, I answered the 2000 people because most Harvard- with exception of a few- students and teachers come from a high class, elite family that are not accustomed to any troubles in life. You also have to remember I am just a teenager, so my depictions may be a little inaccurate. I just repute that most Harvard "people" hardly experience failure, and leadership comes only with experience of both victory and loss. At least, with 2000 people randomly chosen in a phone book, there is a higher chance that people who are either at the poverty level or unemployed can be helped rather than the upper class attaining more benefits than they already have, politically and financially. 
    In concern about news, I read an unfortunate but rather hilarious article on New York Times. The link to it is on the right bar under "Links to Check Out". The article is called "The Parent Trapped", which is an ironic title based off of the popular movie "The Parent Trap. Basically, there were two "mouthy" teenagers with their mother, and she got really agitated which led to, to put it in simple terms, murdering her children. Hey, I would do the same thing. (For all people who do not understand the concept of sarcasm or do not see examples of them such as the previous sentence and the next few, this is a heads up) Obiviously, if my children were "cussing in front of the lord", I would skip the part about soaping their mouths and shove the soap down their mouths, instead. What really made me love the article was when an extremely accurate piece of information was read. "Even as corporal punishment is declining in social acceptability, about 7 in 10 Americans agreed, in a 2004 survey, that children sometimes need “a good, hard spanking.” This came despite mountains of studies establishing that such tactics do children much more harm than good, increasing the risk of anxiety, depression and addiction. Moreover, it’s easy for spanking, slapping and swatting to escalate — sometimes even to the point of deadly violence." 
     I am sorry, but if you can not handle some good old discipline from your parents from time to time for being out of line, then you're just a straight up "female dog". Don't give me that BS of "anxiety, depression and addiction". It builds character, not destroys, unless, excuse me for being harsh, you're a wimp. 
     To finish off the post, I have some extremely great news. "Knit graffiti" has become quite popular over the few weeks in Japan. Ever since the knitters have talked about their "accomplishments" on the popular social networking site and successor of Facebook, cleverly now known as the "social knitwork", knitting random objects and putting them up in places like trains, railings, schools, etc. in Japan. One anonymous person said that the cleaning crew came later and threw away all his knitted artwork. What an abomination! How dare they?! These people are trying to make the world a better place and you selfish, corrupt government officials think you can simply throw all that away? Well, I guess you can, but take a look at the link -in the "Links to check out" section- and you can see all the "funny" and "happy" pictures posted. 

Thank you for reading. This has been your daily dose of a hint of congeniality. 

RANDOM MOMENT: I started P90X for the first time. Before I started it, I thought it meant power. Well, after doing it for the first time, I KNOW it means power. Trust me, if that was on a test, I would get that answer right

Friday, February 11, 2011

Setting Priorities Straight

Today's most important news of the day! Michelle Obama rocks a $35 dress at a talk show. Oh and by the way, Hosni Mubarak resigned from office today. Thanks so much Yahoo for posting the most important stories first and then others later. Obviously, it's extremely vital for society to know that the First Lady wore a 35 dollar dress, but who cares if Egypt attained freedom? Really, that nation is just so full of themselves, rioting and protesting for eighteen days straight because they felt they didn't have enough "freedom". I applaud Yahoo or whoever the web designer is for the company to put Michelle Obama's article first.

In other news, I read an extremely enlightening article about America and health. You will never believe this fellow bloggers and citizens of various nations, but did you all know "Americans are fat and getting fatter by the year"? Yeah thanks, Sherlock; I wonder how you came to that conclusion. If Yahoo doesn't stop with the cliche articles of demotivating food articles and wrong placement of articles on the front page, something seriously virulent has happened to the writers and are being taken over by children.

Now, let's forget about news and politics because, let's think pragmatically here guys, I think it's dubious that the human race will end in 2012, so those matters don't even matter. What's more important, however, is the fact that a "This I Believe" essay was assigned about a week ago from my teacher, Miss Suzan Incomplete. Today, volunteers/ brave souls were called to recite their essay in front of the class. To lightly brief you readers, a "This I Believe" essay is a lesson or belief you have learned/ believed after a specific event. Before I briefly explain my story, I first must tell you an What I am about to tell you is on of my darkest secrets, and the anarchy of man kind would be simply horrendous to think of if it found out. I am afraid of one of the most terrifying beasts on earth. These creatures are known for being extremely hideous and harmful. Most of you may known these winged monsters as the "Butterfly". I won't go into details, but the story involves me being let down by life once again because the wretched creatures came at the WRONG DAMN moment. For the full essay, you can read it under "Other Pages" (look at the right bar, and find "The Day of Reckoning" under "Other Pages".
@*The Day Of Reckoning*

To finish this entry, I thought I might share a rather amazing stroke of genius by the Alabama government, something you usually don't see in this state. Their state government announced a yoga program would go on (as an "experiment") in William E Donaldson Correctional Facility. Now, remember, that this building consisted of "convicted killers, robbers and rapists", so you'd think that yoga would be soon discouraged by the prisoners. However, it worked out perfectly as Warden Gary Hetzel even said the yoga program known as Vipassana helped decrease the violence in the prison. Now, this is what I call an outstanding news story; hearing former "convicted killers, robbers and rapists" getting together to meditate and become more -as teenagers say- "chill". To prove that inmates actually enjoyed this, Convicted murderer Grady Bankhead said ""I've been here for 25 years and this statement is going to sound crazy, but I consider myself the luckiest man in the world." Now, that person has definitely turned a new leaf.

Thank you for reading. This has been your daily dose of a hint of congeniality.

RANDOM MOMENT-Oh, I also watched Mean Girls today for the first time in my life, so that was pretty interesting.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Who Do I Think I Am?

         To be modest, I am a true hero, living in the depths of simple life and boredom, waiting for my breakthrough to happen. In lighter terms, I’m a high school student. However, my perspective on the world is a little bit peculiar as sometimes I’ll notice the oddest features during the hardest of times. By the way, recent rumor is that a new iPad is being made, from Apple (obviously). Consequently, garrulous Mubarak has been spreading turmoil over Egypt and the Middle East. As celebrity reporter Fareed Zakaria of CNN posted on Twitter, after Mubarak's  befuddling speech, "Mubarak seems to be trying to bait protesters into violence." @Zakaria either that or he's still waiting for other nations to help enforce his reign over what's left of a country (Egpyt).
        In that sense, altruistic oil company owners and share holders actually want to side with “Malicious Mubarak” – as I like to call him- and we all know the power of elitism will probably overthrow ethics and morality (like it always has). Anyways, who am I but a simple junior in high school, just trying to make something of myself in this small place- comparatively to other celestial bodies- we call Earth. On the brighter note though, there are currently more trees in the US than there were a century ago. Isn’t that marvelous?